A wrapper function for isOutlier. Identify outliers from numeric vectors stored in the SingleCellExperiment object.

  sample = NULL,
  nmads = 3,
  type = "both",
  overwrite = TRUE



A SingleCellExperiment object.


Desired slot of SingleCellExperiment used for plotting. Possible options: "assays", "colData", "metadata", "reducedDims". Required.


Desired vector within the slot used for plotting. Required.


A single character specifying a name that can be found in colData(inSCE) to directly use the cell annotation; or a character vector with as many elements as cells to indicates which sample each cell belongs to. Default NULL. decontX will be run on cells from each sample separately.


Integer. Number of median absolute deviation. Parameter may be adjusted for more lenient or stringent outlier cutoff. Default 3.


Character. Type/direction of outlier detection; whether the lower/higher outliers should be detected, or both. Options are "both", "lower", "higher".


Boolean. If TRUE, and this function has previously generated an outlier decision on the same itemName, the outlier decision will be overwritten. Default TRUE.


A SingleCellExperiment object with '' added to the

colData slot. Additionally, the decontaminated counts will be added as an assay called 'decontXCounts'.


data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
sce <- subsetSCECols(sce, colData = "type != 'EmptyDroplet'")
sce <- runDecontX(sce[,sample(ncol(sce),20)])
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:38 2023 ... Running 'DecontX'
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Starting DecontX
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:38 2023 .. Analyzing all cells
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:38 2023 .... Generating UMAP and estimating cell types
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:40 2023 .... Estimating contamination
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:40 2023 ...... Completed iteration: 10 | converge: 0.01395
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:40 2023 ...... Completed iteration: 20 | converge: 0.004727
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:40 2023 ...... Completed iteration: 30 | converge: 0.001821
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:40 2023 ...... Completed iteration: 40 | converge: 0.001122
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:40 2023 ...... Completed iteration: 43 | converge: 0.0009887
#> Sat Mar 18 10:27:40 2023 .. Calculating final decontaminated matrix
#> --------------------------------------------------
#> Completed DecontX. Total time: 1.787523 secs
#> --------------------------------------------------
sce <- detectCellOutlier(sce, slotName = "colData", sample = sce$sample,
 nmads = 4, itemName = "decontX_contamination", type = "both")